A Fragile Recovery in 2021

A Fragile Recovery in 2021

Although 2020 ended with a flurry of announcements reporting promising results in COVID-19 vaccine trials, there is little reason to expect a robust economic recovery anytime soon. Defeating the virus remains a monumental task, and the wounds inflicted by the pandemic...
The US Election’s Chaos Quotient

The US Election’s Chaos Quotient

While hoping for a conclusive outcome on November 3 (or immediately thereafter), market watchers unfortunately must prepare for the worst. After all, US President Donald Trump and the Republicans are not even hiding their plans to steal the election. NEW YORK –...
Is the Almighty Dollar Slipping?

Is the Almighty Dollar Slipping?

Far from signaling its imminent demise as the main global reserve currency, the greenback’s sharp depreciation is to be expected in the current macroeconomic context. The forces that could erode the dollar’s hegemony remain slower-moving and farther off....